I have a wide range of knowledge and expertise in many other professional areas, which also complement and support the work that I do with Town and Parish Councils. 
I have given a brief outline here, but would be happy to discuss these further in greater detail. 

Employment services

Trading as Magenta Occupational Therapy, and HCPC registered as well as with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists I am professionally qualified to offer a range of services to help with employment matters. 

This includes professional assessments around mental health/stress, environmental assessments or reasonable adjustments at work. I specialist in mental health and neuro-developmental conditions, so often can assess areas such as communication needs, sensory needs etc.

I also offer a range of training to Councils such as 'understanding autism - neurodiverse needs in your community', how to make your services autism friendly, supporting the needs of disabled members in your parish.  Web - www.magentaoccupationaltherapy.co.uk


I specialise in using my professional background as an OT in understanding people's activities of daily living in the context of meaningful occupations to them.  Whether this be how adults access services and what they want to access in their community - or understanding young people's needs through their developmental stages eg play, occupations as teenagers etc...

I am able to undertake consultation exercises for Councils using creative mediums, to engage people in meaningful activities and gather both quantitative and qualitative information about how it feels to live in your  parish. 

Please contact to discuss your needs further 


Would you like to explore producing a mini magazine or newsletter for your parish, which is part funded by advertising. 

Having produced many publications such as Tourist Visitor Guides, Dining Out Directories and Shopping magazines, I have a wealth of experience in this area.  Trading as Moonstone Marketing & PR, I would be happy to explore the feasibility of this for your Council.   


Clerking services

Trading as Smile Secretarial & Business Services, I am able to provide both locum ongoing RFO/Clerking services as well as emergency cover.  I am registered with the Warwickshire & West Midlands Association of Local Councils LOCUM CLERKING REGISTER, and have supported many Town & Parish Councils both locally and virtually over Teams.

I also have other 35 years experience servicing School Governing Bodies as a School Governance Professional, which involves providing advice to a School Board on governance, constitutional and procedural matters as well as issuing Agenda, minutes etc....

Whether you require an emergency clerk for a single meeting or locum Clerking to cover vacancy/sickness please get in touch.  Meetings can also be clerked virtually.  Website - www.smilesecretary.co.uk

In addition I am also able to offer support writing grant applications and End of Grant reports, reviewing Policy & Procedure documents or helping with general administrative work

PRICES : hourly rate of £25, mileage at 45p per mile, resources re-charged at cost