Fees and charges

Fees are based on the size of your Councils' Precept/income and expenditure on a sliding scale. 
The fees are on the understanding that all requested information is provided within the required timescales. My fees include a preliminary meeting prior to audit (in person or zoom). 

Any additional charges are as shown or by prior agreement. 

Invoices for work completed are issued at the end of the Internal Audit, or bi monthly (ie should your Internal Audit be taking a long time, an interim Invoice will be issued).  

Costs of other services I provide can be quoted separately, after determining the needs of your Council  

Precept/Income or Expenditure

Under £25,000
£25,001 to £50,000
£50,001 to £100,000
£100,001 to £150,000 
Additional charges

Attendance at Council meeting - £70.00 

Additional meetings - £35 per hour 

Mileage 45p per hour

Resources eg postage, copying re-charged at cost