
I have been a Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer for over 15 years, mainly working for Town and Parish Councils in Warwickshire and the West Midlands, undertaking both contractual work, locum work and independent work.

As I am both CiLCA and FiLCA qualified, I am a registered Locum Clerk under the Warwickshire Association of Local Councils.  I am also registered for Internal Audit services with Worcestershire CALC with whom I did my Internal Audit training course. 

My qualifications include : 

Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)

Finance in Local Council Administration (FiLCA)

Principle of Internal Auditing Local Councils (PIALC)

BA Honours in Business and Finance

I have also undertaken a range of specialist training in the areas of Local Council Procurement, VAT, GDPR, End of Year accounts and Internal Audits 

As an Internal Auditor my role is to : 

  • examine and evaluate the effectiveness of your Council in terms of risk management, controls and governance processes. 

  • answer the requirements of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) and other legislation

I also offer a range of other services to Town and Parish Council - please see 'other services' page on this website